Student Loan For International Students in Italy 2024

A Complete Guide to Getting Student Loans and Funding for International Studies in Italy

With its world-renowned universities, rich cultural heritage and unmatched beauty, Italy is a dream destination for international students.

However, navigating the complex student financing landscape can seem challenging. This comprehensive guide explores various funding options available for international students in Italy.

Student Loan For International Students in Italy


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Types of Funding for International Students in Italy

While government-backed student loans are limited, you can tap into alternative funding sources:


  • Government Scholarships – The Italian Ministry of Education offers merit-based scholarships like Invest Your Talent in Italy. Check the UNIVERSITALY portal.
  • University Scholarships – Many Italian universities provide scholarships and fee waivers specifically for international students, awarded based on merit and/or financial need.
  • External Scholarships – Numerous foundations and organizations offer scholarships for international students in Italy, like the Fullbright and Borsa di Studio Marco Polo programs.
  • Scholarships from Your Home Country – Check if your government provides scholarships for studying in Italy.

Student Loans

  • International Lenders – Prodigy Finance, MPower Financing, Stilt, and Credila offer loans for international students, but require US cosigners orcollateral.
  • Italian Banks – UniCredit, Intesa Sanpaolo, BNL provide student loans, but require Italian residency and enrollment in select university partners.
  • Government-Backed Loans – The Inps “Prestiti Per Merito” program offers affordable student loans only for residents studying specific subjects at accredited Italian universities.
  • Loans from Home Country Banks – Many Indian banks offer education loans for studies abroad in Italy. HDFC Credila is a good option.

Other Funding Sources

  • Part-time employment – International students can work up to 20 hours per week with a permit.
  • Teaching assistantships/research positions – Some universities offer these to fund graduate students.
  • Crowdfunding platforms – Raise funds from public donors through sites like GoFundMe.
  • Support from family/friends – Seek gifts, contributions, or loans within your network.
  • Institution hardship funds – For students facing financial emergencies.

Key Considerations for Securing Funding

Follow these tips to boost your chances of getting student loans or financial aid for studies in Italy:

Understand Eligibility Criteria

Carefully evaluate funding options against program type, residence, academic and income requirements you meet. Italian government funding is often limited to Italian/ EU residents.

Research Scholarships Diligently

Identify reputable Italian and external scholarship programs open to international students. Submit strong applications highlighting academic and extracurricular achievements.

Evaluate Loan Options

Compare interest rates, repayment periods, fees and eligibility criteria across different lenders. Favor banks from your home country over international lenders.

Get Supporting Documents in Order

Banks and universities will require financial statements, income documents, academic transcripts, acceptance letters and other proofs to extend loans or aid.

Apply Early and Meet Deadlines

Start researching funding options 12-18 months before your program. Scholarships and loan applications take time. Don’t miss any deadlines.

Have a Backup Plan

Despite your best efforts, you may not get enough funding. Be prepared to supplement through part-time work, family support or other means.

Estimating Your Cost of Studies in Italy

  • Tuition Fees – €850 to €5000 per year for Bachelor’s programs, €1000 to €12000 annually for Master’s degrees at public universities.
  • Accommodation – €400 to €800 monthly for shared student apartments near campus.
  • Living Expenses – €800 to €1000 monthly for food, transport, utilities, books, and other costs.
  • Health Insurance – €150 to €600 annually for basic insurance plans.
  • Residence Permit – €116 for non-EU students.
  • Other Expenses – Books, university fees, leisure, unforeseen costs.

In total, plan for €10000 to €18000 in annual costs as an international student. Multi-year degrees can cost over €30000.

Finding the Right Student Loan for Italy

Follow this process to secure an education loan for studies in Italy:

Check Home Country Bank Options First

  • Research leading national banks providing abroad education loans. Compile a fact-sheet of interest rates, fees, loan amounts, eligibility for each.
  • Speak to bank representatives to learn specifics. Share your study plan and clarify doubts.
  • If unable to get home financing, explore alternative sources like international lenders, university schemes, etc.

Submit Your Loan Application

  • Choose a suitable lender and work out your required loan amount factoring tuition, living costs and financial aid already secured.
  • Prepare all required documents – ID, residence proof, university acceptance, cost break-up, income statements, etc.
  • Complete the loan application form along with documents and submit as per the lender’s process well before your course start date.

Accept Your Loan After Approval

  • If your application is approved, accept the offer by signing the loan agreement and submitting any additional documents the lender requires.
  • Discuss disbursement timelines, options to receive funds in instalments aligned with tuition due dates.
  • Activate standing instructions for smooth EMI payments once your post-study moratorium period ends.

With early planning and diligent follow-up, you can secure financing to fulfill your Italy education dreams!


While government student loans are limited, international students have ample options through university scholarships, private lenders, part-time work and family support.

Start planning your funding 12-18 months in advance. Apply widely for scholarships and explore loans from your home country banks first before considering international lenders.

With a proactive approach, you can find the resources to access world-class educational experiences in Italy.

FAQs on Funding Studies in Italy

What are the best scholarship options in Italy for international students?

Invest Your Talent in Italy, Borsa di Studio Marco Polo and university-level scholarships are great options. The UNIVERSITALY portal lists many Italian scholarship programs.

What are the education loan interest rates charged by Indian banks?

Rates are 10-14% for SBI, 11-12% for BOB, 11.5-12.5% for HDFC.Better to opt for Rupee loans instead of forex loans.

What documents do I need for education loan applications?

You’ll need financial statements, income proof, academic transcripts, university acceptance letter, tuition cost breakup, course details, ID/age proof, collateral documents if applicable.

How much loan amount can I get from Indian banks?

You can avail loans up to Rs.1.5 crores. Maximum funding is based on course costs, living expenses, other financial aid and your repayment capacity.

Can international students access part-time jobs and TA/RA positions in Italy?

Yes, international students can work 20 hours weekly with a permit. Many universities also offer teaching or research assistantships.

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